Friday, January 17, 2014

Times are a changing. ((sighs))

We are back up here every pup! Hershey, I was getting so into reading about your adventures of late. Mom wanted us to post here and refresh the date we last posted before she started getting pictures etc from where we are now so I have to go and will read more later.


  1. Hi, Spunky, Casper and Tigger -

    Thank you for mentioning me. Kaci and I are going to post more to out blog now since Dogster will not be the same as it has been in the past. Have a good weekend.

    Love -

    Hershey and Kaci

  2. Oops, Mama meant to write "our blog" instead of out blog.

    Love -


  3. Oh, Hershey and Kaci. Hi to you both! Your welcome dear friend. I will go over and check it out now. mom just woke up about an hour ago. She doesn't do the all night and day thing without consequences anymore! BOL....
